
品牌:Cort AD810

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    外資在印度的投資主體可分為五種,聯絡辦事處(Liason Office)、專案辦事處(Project Office)、分支辦事處(Branch Office)、全資子公司(Wholly Owned Subsidiary)以及合資公司(Joint Venture),我們公司為貿易公司,主要是評估是否需要設立Liason Office,其他的投資主體就不多作探討。


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sarcasm (n.) the use of remarks that clearly meanthe opposite of what they say, made in order to hurt someone's feeling or critisize something in a humorous way

sarcastic (a.)

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sibling (n.) a brother or sister

etiquette (n.) the set of rules or customs that control accepted behavior in particular social groups and social situations

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Business English


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"Braveheart" "The Intern" and "Love Actually"


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trick (n.) 詭計 謀略

plane ticket searching ticket: skyscanner, cheapoair

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1. She wants to look good for you.

-If you walk into her room and sit next to her. She might do something called "preening". She might fluff up her hair, redo her makeup. 

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1. Time perfect

-Don't overuse or onderuse the allocated time.

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1.Master Sleeve Roll

Fold over the sleeve inside out up your arm. Fold the bottom of the inside-out sleeve over the cuff. Leave the ends of the cuff exposed.

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