sarcasm (n.) the use of remarks that clearly meanthe opposite of what they say, made in order to hurt someone's feeling or critisize something in a humorous way
sarcastic (a.)
understatement (a.) a statement that describes something in a way that makes less important, serious, bad, etc. than it really is, or the act of making such statements
ex: To say theat her resignation was a shock would be an understatement - it caused panic.
dodgy (a) say dangerous in a subtle way
sequel (n.) a book, firm or play that continues the story to a previous book, etc
ex: I am watching the sequel to "The best exotic marigold hotel".
prequel (n.)/the third installment (n.)
push-over (a.)
He is really push-over to say yes to everyone.
vulnerable (a.) able to be easily phisicallly, mentally or emotionally hurt, influenced, or attacked
ex: Bill Nighy is a vulnerable man in the move "The best exotic marigold hotel".
cynical (a.) believing that people are only be interested in themselves and are not sincere
ex: I've always been deeply cynical to the politcians.
sense of wonder
ex: He is an old man but with sense of humor to everything.
emotional center
overcome obstacles
discrimination (n.)
ex: Maggie Smith has discrimination against different color people in the begin of the movie.
redeeming qulities/virtues/chararcteristics (n.)
skinhead (n.)
sentimental (a.) a sentimental person is strongly influenced by emotional feelings, especially about happy memories of past events or relationship with other people
triumph (v.)
ex: Good will triumph over evil./conquer
solor eclipse 日蝕
deliberate (v.) think or talk seriously and carefully about something
2.on purpose
ex: Oh, I wasn't deliberate.
defer (v.) delay something until a later time (only in business English)
2.better than somenoe in a situation
postpone(more common)/defer(+payment, shipment)
ex: I defer to you in Chinese.
ex: My bank has agreed to defer the repayments on my loan.