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        退伍剛好滿一個月 ,在找工作上並不是很順利,比起一開始積極的寫履歷,希望能馬上進入職場,朝夢想前進,現在的我多了ㄧ份自在,沒有那麼在意,還沒有正職工作這件事了。不知道是我個性隨遇而安使然,還是這說服自己順其自然的理由確實充分,我依然相當喜歡這樣的生活

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1. 財團法人中華文化社會福利事業基金會附設職業訓練中心 ----- 進修課程

2.聯合學苑 udncollege ------ 成人進修館

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Hi there, I'm Denise Richardson. And this is howdini.com. If you wanna learn how to ace a job interview, stay tuned. We are about to talk about it with Maggie Mistal, who is a life purpose and career coach, who can be heard regularly on Martha Steward Living Radio on Sirius. Thank you so much for being with us. Thanks, Denise.

You show up with your dress properly. You walk in to meet an interviewer. What is the first thing you do when you walk in?

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