1. She wants to look good for you.
-If you walk into her room and sit next to her. She might do something called "preening". She might fluff up her hair, redo her makeup.
2. She gets nervous when you talk to her.
-When you talk to her, she might blush, shutter or get all frigidy.
3. She holds your gaze longer than an averge a lot or shorter.
-If she move away from your eye contact very quickly, that's an obvious sign.
4. She kind of plays a damsel in distress.
-Like you are with her, for example, you maybe outside and it's very cold out, and she might give subtle hints that she's cold and she wants a jacket.
5. Body contact
-She might tough your arm, to brush against you to let you know that she's there.
6. She show up at places where you are going.
-It's not coinsedence.
7. Ask your preference in girls.
-She might do something like pull off a picture of a girl and be like "Oh isn't super pretty?" and she might try to wait for your respond.